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The Action Has Five Working Groups (WG)

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WG1. FeS Clusters and the Immune System

This Working Group investigates the role of FeS clusters and FeS proteins in the immune system. It aims to understand how the small and large molecular chemistry of FeS clusters and proteins modulate the immune response, providing methodological developments in FeS biogenesis, molecular and cellular biology, metabolomics and proteomics, and iPSCs and CRISPR-Cas9 techniques.

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WG2. FeS Clusters in Viral Replication

This working group focuses on viral and cellular FeS proteins supporting viral replications. The group will supply expertise and methodological developments in virology, iPSC technology and CRISPR-Cas9, bioinorganic chemistry of FeS clusters, X-ray crystallography, spectroscopic techniques, and cellular and molecular biology to address specific questions of interest.

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WG3. Mechanistic Studies of FeS Biogenesis

This working group pursues to elucidate at the molecular and atomic resolutions the mechanism of FeS transfer between different components of FeS biogenesis machinery and that of FeS insertion to other targets, including viral proteins applying a wide range of spectroscopic techniques and structural analysis.

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WG4. Mechanistic Studies of FeS Chemistry

This Working Group studies the small and large molecule chemistry of FeS clusters and proteins using EPR, resonance Raman spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Examples of questions to address: how do FeS clusters react with reactive oxygen or nitrogen species? How do the enzymatic activity of FeS proteins modulate immunometabolism?


WG5. FeS Clusters and Proteins as Drug Targets

FeS proteins play a central role in many cellular processes. MitoNEET is an example of FeS proteins that is a target of the thiazolidinedione diabetes drugs. This working group offers tools and expertise in structural biology, medicinal chemistry, and computational chemistry to identify new drug targets and develop new therapeutic candidates.

We Support Early Career Researchers
and Investigators

The activities of these working groups collectively aim to bridge the research in iron-sulphur proteins, immunology, virology, and medicinal chemistry. They aim to develop new research ideas and collaborative projects with an emphasis on supporting early career investigators to develop their expertise and network.

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